IGSM 2008

by Jorge Sanz on

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Siguiendo la sana y universitaria costumbre de nuncaescribir algo para ser usado una sola vez, dejo poraquí los resúmenes de dos charlas que voy a daren el encuentro internacional de estudiantes de geodesia que serealizará en mayo en valencia (IGSM2008).

He sido invitado por la organización para dar un par decharlas básicamente sobre software libre parageomática en concreto los dos proyectos en los que estoyinvolucrado actualmente (y que dure) OSGeo y gvSIG.

Así, durante un rato les daré la chapa a losestudiantes (dudo que ninguno lea este blog pero nunca se sabe) sobresoftware libre, la fundación OSGeo y gvSIG.

El texto está copiado de la entradaen el wiki de OSGeo en el que he dejado los resúmenes paraque quede constancia del evento.

Por cierto, puede que a algunos lessuene el titulo de la primera ponencia, es que uno no esoriginal ni para eso (si no te suena no te preocupes, cosas de geeks…).

A not so short introduction to OSGeo

The Open Source for Geospatial Foundation is a community ofcommunities. It gathers some of the most prominent FOSS4G projects andoffers a common place to advocate about Free Software trying to offer areliable common brand for their projects. From web mapping projects tolibraries through metadata handling and non specific developmentprojects like the Education and Public Geodata committees, OSGeowelcomes everyone who wants to find a common place to discuss and getin touch with the smartest developers and free software technicians ofthe world. On this lecture the Foundation will be presented: how itworks, how can an individual (not only developers, teachers, publicgovernment and business managers, etc are welcomed) participate in itand meet and do really valuable networking working together to promoteFOSS4G.

gvSIG, a real tool for geographic informationsystems technicians

gvSIG is a free software effort from the Valencian publicgovernment to provide the best tool not only for novices but also forpower users. gvSIG provides tools for analysts and cartographers tofetch data, work with it doing many different analysis and finallyproducing maps and other outputs for their everyday workflows. With thearrival of INSPIRE and other SDI initiatives, gvSIG is positioned asone of the best desktop tools to deal with remote catalogs and geodatarepositories. This lecture will introduce you in the roots of gvSIGproject as well as the persent and near-future features not only of thesoftware but also of the entire project.

Updated: 2022-02-27, Version: f993992.